Mallards greeting me at the Intracoastal.

Mallards greeting me at the Intracoastal.

Today, as on most mornings when the tide is low, and even on some days it’s not, I go to the Intracoastal Waterway to see what’s going on. We have an area to the north of our property that is owned by the Army Core of Engineers, (I believe), and it will never be developed. Yes! The birds and wildlife are pretty happy about it too.

Within a short walk from home I can cross a small canal at low tide and get into the water and walk along the shore. It is so beautiful and unspoiled, except for some remnants of trash left by humans. It’s a very peaceful place in the morning, especially on weekdays when very few people are out pleasure boating. On most mornings there’s a lot of wildlife to see. I have been visiting this area for about four months, since I spotted a lone female osprey that apparently lives nearby. I can hear her calls from my backyard. I always run out to see her because ospreys fascinate me. She wasn’t around today. She must have gone fishing.

As usual I climbed out onto the rocks to perch. Several ducks came by to visit but other than that it was very quiet this morning. I propped my camera and my big, heavy 100-400 zoom on my knee and waited. And waited. And waited a little more. As soon as I packed up my stuff to head back, a small blue heron came flying in with lots of noise and flapping of wings. I said, “OK, I’ll stay.” I sat back down and unpacked my gear. This bird wanted to have it’s picture taken and wasn’t bothered by me at all!

While I was shooting the bird (not literally), I love birds, a school of small fish, at least 50 of them shot out of the water. I aimed my lens at them immediately, but it was set at 400mm and I was just too close for the camera to focus. Now that would have been a great shot. I hate it when that happens. Really! : )

Here are some of the shots I got today. I hope you enjoy them as much as I enjoyed capturing them.

Have a great day!


My Mallard friends, all females I think.

My Mallard friends, all females I think.

Image of Heron.

Heron on perch at Intracoastal.

The Intracoastal waterway this morning.

The Intracoastal waterway this morning.

Heron posing for pix.

Heron posing for pix.

Oh please don't go!

Oh please don't go!